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The Interactive Diagnostic and Presentation Tool (IDP) has been designed to display climate model results by way of maps and diagrams.
This tools allows to conduct explorative data analyses and visualize their results. Climate variables and their developments can be displayed as graphs or maps (see examples on the right-
Example 1 for a diagram produced by IDP: Frequency distribution of daily temperatur spread at station Hamburg. Comparison between the periods 1971—2000 (blue) and 2071—2100 (red). Regionalization was carried out using WETTREG 2010, driven by the global climate model ECHAM 5, run 1, present time: 20C data, future: scenario A1B.
Example 2 for a map display produced by IDP: Signal of the average daily maximum temperature in Germany. Comparison of the period 1971-
Note: Since the projects were funded by German sources, all reports listed here are in German.
(2015) IDP -
(2014) IDP -
(2014) IDP -
(2011) IDP -
(2011) Einarbeitung von ASCII-
(2010) IDP -
(2009) IDP -
(2009) IDP -
(2008) Einarbeitung der CLM -
(2008) IDP -
(2008) Klimaauswirkungen und Anpassung in Deutschland – Phase 2: Aufbau eines Fachinformationssystems „Klimaanpassung" (FISKA) im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes. (Ansprechpartner: Manfred Stock, Frank Kreienkamp, Arne Spekat; Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.01.2008 – 30.09.2008). FKZ 206 41 100
(2007) IDP -
(2007) IDP -
(2007) Anpassungmaßnahmen an Klimaänderung und Fachinformationssystem Klimaanpassung FISKA. Aufbau eines Expertensystems zur Diagnose-
(2006) IDP -